Life lessons on family

Life lessons on family

I want to tell you about an amazing club that you are already a part of. You might take this club for granted right now. In fact, you might not even think much about it. Here’s why it’s so amazing!
Money can’t get you into this club. 
But don’t worry, you have a lifetime membership.
There are no secret handshakes, but the club does have a cool logo (they call them crests).
Some clubs have their own mission.
You don’t get to choose who is in the club, but that makes it great.
You won’t always see them, or know them well, but they’ll be there.
You can call anyone in the club day or night and they will pick up.
In this club you will always have a friend.
You will treasure this club more than any possession you own today or buy tomorrow.
They will be the first to encourage you.
They will make sure you are safe.
They will make sure you have everything you need, regardless of what they have. 
They will always put you first. 
They will always be there to listen.
They will believe in you more than you believe in yourself.
Sometimes the club will seem dysfunctional, but that’s normal.
You will have more experiences than you can ever remember with this club.
There will be times that the club makes you laugh, cry, mad and sad.
You may take the club for granted, but that will be a phase.
You may mistreat people in the club along the way, but they will always welcome you back.
You will love giving, more than receiving, in this club.
You will share countless traditions.
You can do absolutely nothing with the club and still have a blast.
They will be the first ones to defend you in a fight.
They will never give up on you – even if you give up on yourself.
They will go out of their way to help you. 
The members of the club will love you more than you can imagine.
You will trust the club with anything and everything.
The club will push you to be your best self.
The club is a team of all stars – together, you can conquer any challenge.
When you are in a strange or new place, all you need is the club to feel at home.
The people in this club can teach you a lot and they are happy to do so.
The club will help guide you through life. 
Something will be missing when you are away from the club.
You might feel alone, but you never are.
When you are away, you will remember the great times.
When you are back together, you will create new ones.
Everything in life is sweeter with the club.
This club gets larger over time and that is awesome.
There will be a time you start building a special club of your own.
When you do, all this will make perfect sense.
You won’t always know much about the early members, but they are a part of you.
Life may pull you away from the club, but you will always have an invitation to come back.
You will use how you treat members of the club to define the bar for caring.
At the end of the day, no matter what, you love everyone in the club.
Over time, you will lose members of the club.
When it happens, you will feel shock, devastation and also joy for all the memories you had. Let those memories live on in the new members of the club.
Sounds pretty amazing, right? This special club has another name…FAMILY.
Yours is special and I hope you treasure it as much as I treasure you.
This post is part of a series of letters to my kids. My goal is to reflect on and capture as many life lessons as possible. Here is the current list I am working from.

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